Honor Code
Academic integrity is essential to Paper24 and our institutional partners. Your commitment to academic integrity shows respect for your work and the work of our experts.

No Cheating
We oppose asking for or delivering pre-written/specially authored academic assignments, or using a student's identity for any reason, such as taking a test or exam.
No Impersonation
Assigning the identity of another student is strictly prohibited by the rules of our service.
No Fabrication
We do not support the creation of false information, citations, or other assignments/acts against business or college standards.
No Plagiarism
We are strongly against the act of stealing another person's work and misrepresenting it as one's own without giving due credit.
Information for students
We understand the challenges and the restraints that attending college can place on a student. However, it is not worth the effort to take the chance of breaking the academic integrity policy of your university.

Information for Experts
Experts are not allowed to contribute to or create situations that would contradict or disregard business/college policies.
Information for Teachers & Schools
We are aware of the tireless effort you put forth to uphold academic integrity in your study groups, classes, and institutions. We are here to support you as you continue to learn in an honest, open, and practical manner. We urge you to report any honor code infractions because we are academics and members of many academic institutions.

How it Works
Sign up and provide all of your assignment instructions.

Choose an expert and make a deposit for the expert to begin working.

Download and review your project once completed. Unlimited edits are guaranteed!

Once you're satisfied, the expert is paid. Don't forget to leave a review!

Frequently asked questions
Facing issues regarding our Honor Code?
Help us become better Report Honor Code Violations
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