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Money-back guarantee

At Paper24, we care about you and want you to feel in control of your order. If things don't go as planned, we've got you covered with our money-back guarantee.This page will show you how to manage your order and get a refund if needed. Plus, our awesome support team is always here to help!
    You can manage all matters related to refunds directly from your order page:
  • Go to your order page.
  • Click the three dots on the right side of the screen.
  • Press the "Cancel" or "Not satisfied" button (this button depends on the order conditions described below).
Below are cases and examples explaining how and when you can get your money back.

My order is In progress, but I want to cancel it

If you no longer need an assignment or if things aren't going as planned with your expert, you can cancel your order either by yourself or with the help of our support team. You will get 100% of your money back, which applies to the following cases.

Order Cancellation Before Mid-Deadline

If you cancel your order before halfway through the deadline, you can get a full refund. The halfway point of your deadline is when we consider that your expert has started working. Afterward, you can only cancel your order with help from the support team.

Missed Deadline

If your deadline has passed and you haven't received the final file, you can get a full refund. This is rare, but we ensure you are covered if it happens. You can also notify us, and we will quickly reach your expert to complete your assignment.

Missed Revision Deadline

If your revision deadline has passed and there is no new final file, you are eligible for a full refund; it's the same logic.To cancel your order, simply go to your order page, click the three dots on the right side of the screen, and select "Cancel" or reach our support team from there.The funds will immediately return to your Paper24 account balance when you cancel.

My order is In progress, and my expert sent me draft files. How do I cancel it?

Draft Files Explained

Draft files are work-in-progress updates that your expert uploads so you can check their progress and control the steps of your project.

Cancelling After Downloading Draft Files

    If you downloaded the draft files, you are actively working with your expert. To cancel in this situation, you will need to provide clear reasons why the draft does not align with your instructions. Here's how:
  • Go to your order page.
  • Click the three dots on the right side of the screen.
  • Select "Not satisfied."
  • Click “Request cancellation,” fill in the necessary information, and send your request.
  • Provide clear reasons why the draft shows the expert is not meeting the assignment requirements.
  • You will receive an email once your expert has reviewed your request and either approved or declined it. If you need assistance, please contact our support team.

Cancelling Without Downloading Draft Files

    If you have not downloaded the draft files and the deadline has not reached halfway, you can cancel your order directly. Here's how:
  • Go to your order page.
  • Click the three dots on the right side of the screen.
  • Select "Cancel" or contact our support team from there.
  • The funds will immediately return to your Paper24 account balance when you cancel.

My order is late; I want to cancel

At Paper24, our experts always strive to deliver your order before the deadline. However, in rare cases when the order deadline has passed, and the expert has not uploaded the final file, you have two options:

Contact Support for Urgent Assistance

If there is still time left, contact our support team. We will call your expert to ensure you get your paper as soon as possible. If you can wait for the completed paper, you may submit a discount request to receive partial compensation for the lateness afterward. Please contact our support team for assistance or check the corresponding section on this page regarding discounts.

Cancel the Order for a Full Refund

If you can't wait and the expert hasn't uploaded on time, you can cancel the order and get your money back. Go to your order page, click the three dots on the right side of the screen, select "Cancel," and the reason “No file received,” or contact our support team from there.
Tip: We always recommend setting your deadline on our website earlier than your submission deadline. Experts' on-time delivery rate is excellent, but it's always better to safeguard yourself. Also, ensure you upload all the files necessary for your expert to complete the assignment to avoid delays.

My order is Completed, but I need a refund

Our experts aim to ensure you are getting the assignment according to the requirements in your order. If that’s not the case, you can get a partial or full refund for the service. The difference between the two depends on your particular case.

I am not fully satisfied with the quality of the paper. However, I will use it and revise it myself. I request a partial refund

Suppose you're not satisfied with your completed order. In that case, unlimited revisions are included as long as these requests align with your original instructions, and you submit them within 14 days after your expert completes the order. If revisions don't work out and there are issues with the paper, but you still want to use it, you can submit a discount request, which means you're applying for partial compensation while retaining full rights to use the paper.When submitting your discount request, please explain why the paper does not meet your requirements. Once your expert reviews the request, he/she may offer a discount. Please note that partial refunds usually go up to 50%, but this depends on the specific case.If you accept the offer, Paper24 will move the discounted amount to your account balance, and the order will be closed.
    How to Make a Discount Request:
  • Open your completed order page.
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner and select “Not Satisfied.”
  • Choose the “Request Discount” option.
  • Explain how the paper doesn't match your original requirements and submit the request.
Your expert will review the request within 48 hours. We will then email you to notify you about the outcome. Please note that you will need to log in to your account and accept the discount on your order page to get your refund.

I am completely dissatisfied, and I won't use it. I request a full refund

If a revision is not an option, you can submit a cancellation request for a full refund. It means you will not use the paper, and our experts reserve the right to use it and upload it to online repositories.When you submit a cancellation request, make sure to explain the problems with your order in detail. A clear explanation is very important for getting your request approved. You can also upload files and other evidence to support your claim.Once approved, the order will be canceled, and Paper24 will return the money to your account balance. If your expert turns down your request, it might be because there wasn't enough evidence or the paper met your instructions. In that case, you can either submit more details for a better request or ask for a discount to get some of your money back.
    How to Make a Cancelation Request:
  • Open your completed order page.
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner and select “Not Satisfied.”
  • Choose the “Request Cancelation” option.
  • Explain the quality issues with your order in detail and upload any additional evidence if needed.
Your expert will review the request within 48 hours. We will notify you with an email afterward. If the cancellation is approved, you don’t need to take any action.

My order is Closed, but I want to request a revision and/or refund

At Paper24, we have a 14-day approval period for all your completed orders. The approval period means that once you get your completed paper, you have 14 days to review its quality and request any revisions, discounts, or cancellations. If you don't take any action within these 14 days, the order will be automatically closed.So, basically, once an order is closed, it is no longer eligible for a refund or revision. To help you stay on top of this, we'll send you a reminder two days before the order is set to close.However, we may still be able to assist you in some cases, so don't hesitate to contact our support team for help.

I approved my order, but now I want to request a revision and/or refund

Don't rush to approve your order—you have 14 days from receiving your completed assignment. When you approve your order, it means you're happy with the result and have no more requests for changes or refunds. Please note: closed orders can't be refunded or modified.Please carefully review the paper's quality before approving it. Use the 14-day approval period to ensure the paper meets your expectations and request any necessary changes.If you need revisions after the order is closed, you can place a new order for editing. Our support team is always here to help if you need assistance.

The expert turned down my discount or cancelation request. Why?

Sometimes, the expert may decline your discount or cancellation request if there is insufficient evidence or your claim isn't confirmed. When this happens, you'll receive an email and find the reason for the decline on your order page.If you disagree with the decision, you can gather more proof and submit your request again. We're here to help, so don't hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.

How do I make another discount/cancelation request?

To submit another request, hit “OK, got it” under the previous declined request. Then, click the three dots in the top right corner, select “Not Satisfied,” and choose the option you need again.

The system canceled my discount/cancelation request. What does that mean?

Our system automatically resets all discount or cancellation requests if your order's progress changes. For example, if you request when the order is completed and then activate a revision, the system will reset your request, assuming you want to revise the order instead.Let's cover the scenarios where this can happen so you know what to do if it is a mistake.

Order In progress

You downloaded a draft file and didn't like it, so you requested a cancellation. Shortly after, the expert sent the completed file, changing the order status from "In Progress" to "Completed." This change made your initial request outdated because there's now a new file. But you can review the completed paper and request another cancellation if you still don't want to use it.

Order Completed

You submitted a discount/cancellation request but then requested a revision. The revision changed the order status from "Completed" to "In Progress," dismissing your initial request since you now want a revision. You can review the revised paper and request another discount/cancellation if needed.

Having both Discount and Cancellation Requests

Our system allows for a discount and a cancellation request for one order, but logically, if one is approved, the other is declined.If your cancellation request is approved, the system will dismiss your cancellation request.If the expert offers a discount and you accept it, the system will dismiss your cancellation request.That’s it! If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is here to help!

I accidentally placed a duplicate order

If you accidentally create a duplicate order, please cancel it right away or contact our support team for assistance. You can cancel a duplicate order only if your expert has not started working on it yet.

I have multiple transactions on my bank statement. Will I be charged twice?

Sometimes, payment attempts may not go through due to errors in your details or multiple attempts to make the same purchase. If you want to check your transactions, please visit your account balance page. Only one payment should be successful; any other attempts will be declined.If your bank statement shows several transactions related to us, you will only be charged for one of them. You may contact your bank to get clarification on your transaction history. Feel free to contact our support team as well if something seems wrong.

How do I get a refund on my credit card?

Withdrawal Process

If you canceled the order, accepted a discount, or approved your cancellation request, Paper24 returns your money to your account balance. You need to make a withdrawal request to receive a refund on your credit card. On your Balance page, press the "Withdraw" button.Please note that refunds can only be issued using your original payment method.

When will I receive a refund on my credit card?

The withdrawal request takes up to 48 hours to approve. After that, your bank may take 5-10 business days to process the refund. Please contact our support team for assistance if it takes longer than ten business days.

How do I avoid a situation where I need to ask for a refund?

The withdrawal request takes up to 48 hours to approve. After that, your bank may take 5-10 business days to process the refund. Please contact our support team for assistance if it takes longer than ten business days.

Provide all details

When placing an order, provide all necessary details, files, rubrics, and links to complete your project. Clear instructions from the start help you achieve the desired result.

Stay in touch with your expert

Keep in touch with your expert through the chat. They might need more info or clarifications to give you a timely high-quality paper.

Set realistic deadlines

Whenever possible, place your order in advance. Early birds have more time to review the paper before submission and to ask for revisions, if necessary, without feeling rushed.